Monday, October 2, 2017

Essence Of Shri Satyanarain Pooja & Katha

                 On this auspicious day 2nd Oct.,when we are cerebrating birthday of an inspiring personality named M.K.Gandhi -a pioneer of "Experiments With Truth ",I feel it is befitting tribute on my part to discuss essence of Shri Satyanarain Pooja and its Katha.

                          I still remember an article that was published by Hindi magazine 'Sarita' of Delhi Press in 70s about the futility of this Pooja and its katha. I don't remember now name of the author .He had claimed that in all rituals and Katha only punishments have been described but what is the pooja is missing everywhere. At that time ,I was very much influenced and inspired by that article. But  I can say that now I understand full importance and purpose of this Pooja and Katha.

                                  Shri Satyanarain Pooja and its Katha have been drawn from Reva Khanda of Skand Purana.This Reva Khanda was created and inserted in to Skanda Purana at very late stage,perhaps as late as 17th or 18th century. Skanda Purana is about Shiva & his son Kartikeya,whereas Reva khanda talks about Visnu Pooja which came in to prominence quite late.Anyway,this is not important. Rituals associated are also not important and they vastly differ from place to place. This aspect has been well taken care of with the recital of following Shloka during Pooja :

मंत्र हीनं क्रिया हीनं भक्ति हीनं सुरेश्वर

यत्यूजितं मया देव परिपूर्ण तदस्तु मे 

                                          Whoever created and introduced this Pooja was very wise and learned Scholar. He was very much aware of rotten society and falling moral standards.His intention was to send message of Truthfulness to the society in general. He just used the platform of religious rituals for this purpose. At the end of Pooja , he declares :

प्रणमामि सदा भक्तया सत्यदेवमत: परम्

                                                   What is this 'Satyadev Mat'? Beautifully explained in the stories given in the Katha :

   I) If you take a vow or give a promise, fulfill them without fail,

  ii) Don't tell lies,

  iii) Don't leave any task incomplete.

               Otherwise, you will be in trouble like Characters of the Katha were.

                        In this Kaliyug,Shri Satyanarayan Pooja bears great fruit.Some call him Kaal (Time),some denotes him as Satya(Tuth), some recognize him as Satyanarain while other proclaim him Satyadev(Lord of Truth).The Lord takes on various forms and fulfills our desires. Rituals have no importance, important is message :"The Truth Will Always Prevail".



  1. Very nice Joshi Ji.I also support that rituals have no importance, yes truth only prevails.So nice.


Where is Lokpal ?